United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees was established in 1950 with the intention of helping the millions of European refugees who had fled their homes as a result of the Second World War. It works on the basis of the basic human right to seek asylum. The main goal of UNHCR is to provide a safe refuge for those who have fled violence, war, persecution or disaster at home; its directive has expanded over the years to ensure the protection of all displaced persons, including those who are internally displaced.

Given the unfortunate conditions in Africa including political instabilities, crises, humanitarian aid gaps and limited access to food, water, shelter and medicine; UNHCR plays a role of significance in creating an atmosphere of better stability and assistance for  refugees in the region, who have experienced the worst of it. UNHCR is actively working on ensuring that the displaced people are safe from harm, by means of establishing refugee camps, enhancing their access to proper healthcare and education. As there are millions of people displaced from their home countries and forced to flee to another, UNHCR is one of the main bodies that keep in touch with human lives in Africa. UNHCR aims to build a sustainable future for every refugee it helps, strengthening the foundation of a better Africa in the future.

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