The African Union

The African Union

The African Union, found in 2002, is the successor of the former Organization of African Unity(OAU) which operated between 1963-1999. The OAU primarily aimed to promote solidarity amongst all African states and encourage better cooperation to achieve better living standards throughout Africa, and safeguard the sovereignty and international integrity of African States, completely ridding the continent of colonialism. These values were transferred to the African Union. With 55 member states and headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiphia, the AU’s founding principals include promoting democracy, human rights and good governance. It gets involved in situations regarding peace and security, political affairs, economic integration, social development, human rights and many others that are of significance to the continent.

AU has been the most involved international organization with Africa, owing to its foundation cause, thus it is crucial for any and every conflict in the continent. AU has helped avert catastrophes and protected people from violence in countries such as but not limited to Burundi, Somalia, South Sudan, the Central African Republic, Comoros, Sudan, Darfur and Mali. It’s main cause is to anticipate then prevent disputes that may lead to further issues such as genocide and other crimes against humanity. The Union aspires for a peaceful and secure Africa, and works to build it brick by brick for the current and future generations.

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